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Reynaers at Home

Aluminium Windows Cowbridge

Enhance Your Cowbridge Home with Leading Aluminium Window Designs
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Aluminium Windows, Cowbridge

Aluminium windows are a fantastic solution for homeowners around the Cowbridge area. This classic style of window delivers improved performance thanks to the high grade materials and modern manufacturing techniques. Enhance your Welsh home with our aluminium windows.

All our aluminium windows have a slim and sleek aesthetic that can be customised to suit any style of Cowbridge property. These modern profiles suit contemporary, heritage, period and traditional homes. There is no reason for a homeowner to miss out on our stunning aluminium windows.

To ensure our customers get the very best window for their Cowbridge home, we use high grade and industry leading aluminium windows from Reynaers. You can enjoy improved levels of security, durability, thermal efficiency and performance without compromising on aesthetics.

Features & Benefits

A Range of Styles

We offer a wide selection of aluminium windows to suit your Cowbridge home, your living needs and personal requirements. We offer a selection of functional options, allowing you to choose new aluminium windows that perfectly suit your home.

Low Maintenance

Unlike traditional windows available on the market, our aluminium windows maintain their outstanding performance and look without the need for heavy upkeep. Simply wipe them with a damp cloth to ensure they stay looking as good as the day they are installed.

High Security

Our aluminium windows are manufactured using premium grade aluminium. This is combined with astutely designed multi-point locking systems. It’s never been less hassle to enjoy peace of mind inside your home without compromising on the aesthetics.

Thermally Efficient

Our aluminium windows have a thermally broken and polyamide stripped aluminium profile. Our windows can help increase the heat retention of your Cowbridge home. You can enjoy a comfortable home all year round when you choose our windows.

Aluminium Windows Cardiff

Market-Leading Aluminium Windows Design

50 years of manufacturing techniques and refined designs have resulted in an advanced and innovative profile to install into Cowbridge homes. These aluminium profiles have been constructed with the homeowner in mind, delivering a contemporary solution. Enjoy a safer and more comfortable property all year round, no matter how adverse the weather conditions are.

The SL38 profile delivers a highly insulating system that works well with both inwards and outwards opening windows. The minimal appearance inherent to this slimline window design has been specially designed to mimic the original steel window designs whilst offering all the benefits modern homeowners expect.

Our range of aluminium windows can be installed by our skilled team with either triple glazing or double glazing in Cowbridge. No matter which option you choose, our windows offer an impressive level of versatility, so you get the perfect profile for your home.

The CS68 is a three-chamber aluminium profile that uses advanced manufacturing techniques to deliver industry leading levels of thermal insulation and can improve the security of your Cowbridge home. Feel safe knowing your property is fully protected from unwanted intruders and destructive weather conditions.

These aluminium windows can be customised to suit a wide range of homes including heritage and traditional builds, contemporary architecture, and new builds. Add a modern touch with these modern designs made using the best materials on the market.

The CS68 profile can be tailor made to suit your needs. You can choose from a selection of high-quality colours and finishes. It’s never been easier to get the perfect aesthetic for your property. We also include a dual colour option, allowing you to decorate the interior and exterior of your Cowbridge home in different shades.


Slim Profile

Aluminium is an inherent robust and rigid materials, this ensures the SL38 profile does not require any bulk to keep your property safe and secure in a stylish and modern way.

3 Styles

The SL38 profile is available in 3 elegant designs, ‘Classic’, ‘Ferro’ and ‘Cubic’. These aluminium profiles can be suited to both modern and traditional properties, with a range of complementary features.

Natural Light

Because the profiles are so slim, these windows can handle being fitted with large glazing areas. Flood your home with natural light, making the space feel bigger.

High Performance

The SL38 profile offers incredible levels of thermal insulation, air tightness, sound insulation, water tightness, fire resistance, protection against high winds and burglar resistance.
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Double Strips

Double butt strips are installed into these aluminium profiles, ensuring you are totally protected against draughts and water ingress.

Opening Styles

This profile can suit both open-in and open-out styles of aluminium window, allowing you to bring a versatile new addition to your property.

Premium Materials

Premium grade aluminium is used to craft the CS68 range, allowing it to deliver an industry leading level of structural integrity and modern performance.

High Performance

The CS68 profile can improve the thermal performance, air tightness, wind resistance, acoustic insulation and protects your home from intruders.
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SL38 Profile

CS 68 Profile

Aluminium Windows Prices, Cowbridge

Use our online quoting engine today to get a bespoke price on a set of aluminium windows for Cowbridge homes. All our prices and competitive and no obligation. To use our innovative quoting engine, follow the user-friendly system to receive a quote totally bespoke to the specifications of your home.

You can also get in touch with us directly by using our online contact form if you have any queries about our aluminium windows, customisation options, prices, or any of our other installation services.

Enjoy a prompt, professional and hassle-free service that has been meeting customers’ needs for years and years. We look forward to helping you find the right window solution for your property.

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