Aluminium Windows Cost Newport
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Aluminium Windows Newport

Update the way your Newport home looks and performs with our range of high quality aluminium windows.
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High Quality Aluminium Window For Newport Homes

Enhance the look and performance of your Newport home with our range of high quality aluminium windows. These profiles are made to measure, seamlessly fitting into modern and traditional properties alike. Transform your property and enjoy your own peaceful sanctuary.

We use aluminium for our windows because it is inherently robust and a sustainable solution. Expertly crafted to the specifications of your Newport home improvement project. Our team have years in the industry, working with customers to cater to their every need.

Our aluminium windows offer market leading quality at a competitive price. We pride ourselves on our amazing products and customer service, never neglecting even the smallest details in our aluminium installations.

Features & Benefits

Bespoke Design

We know all our Newport customers want something different from their installation. That is why all our aluminium windows are made to measure, tailored to your existing architecture, personal preferences and existing double glazing. We give you creative freedom with a range of colours, hardware and design options. No matter the colour you choose, the pigments used won’t fade when left in direct sunlight.

Low Maintenance

All our aluminium windows are reliably low maintenance, ensuring you don’t have to waste time, money and energy on upkeep. Crafted using premium materials, these profiles can handle adverse weather conditions without warping or cracking in the cold or the heat. You can rely on these aluminium windows to give you years of performance without needing maintenance or to be repaired.

Highly Secure

For your full peace of mind, our entire range of aluminium windows are fitted with state of the art locking systems. These window profiles do not feature any weak spots of points of leverage which could be used by determined intruders to gain entry to your Newport home. Keep your property, loved ones and belongings protected by choosing to install our range of premium aluminium windows.


Made of mostly recyclable elements, our entire range of premium quality aluminium windows are a far more sustainable option in comparison to traditional uPVC or timber profiles. Unlike timber solutions, our aluminium windows never absorb water, ensuring they manage to keep their shape for years to come. If you are looking to make more sustainable installations for your Newport home, these are a fantastic choice.

Aluminium Windows Prices Newport

Market-Leading Aluminium Windows

At Glasshouse, we use state of the art SL38 profiles with our aluminium windows because they are a highly secure and insulating system. Our innovative double glazed profiles regulate the temperature of your space with ease, ensuring your Newport home will stay comfortable all year round.

With years of experience in the home improvement industry, we can offer our customers industry leading aluminium windows at affordable prices. Because they are crafted from aluminium, we can design these profiles to have slim sightlines without compromising on security or thermal efficiency. Flood your home with natural light, which will give the illusion of more space and help you enjoy a more welcoming room.

You can choose from either triple glazing or double glazing in Newport, both of which can help improve the thermal performance of your space. Because you will rely less on central heating to keep your space comfortable all year round, this could help save on your energy bills.

We also offer CS68 profile within our range of aluminium windows. This innovative three-chamber filtering system means these are one of the most weatherproof solutions on the market. This means these designs can handle adverse weather conditions and minimises cold draughts.

is what makes our products so incredibly weatherproof. It offers great insulation properties as well as enhanced security. As a result, you and your family will be protected in any weather condition. We eliminate the possibility of cold draughts.

The contemporary filtering fitted as standard eliminates excessive rainwater from sitting within the main profile. This will stop the windows from becoming clogged with water or debris and minimise condensation build-up or mildew from becoming an issue for homeowners.

As well as delivering an enhanced level of weatherproofing, these aluminium profiles are highly soundproof. The insulated aluminium framework will insulate a home and keep unwanted sounds outside, where the belong. These profiles are ideal if you live in a built up area or by a busy road. Create a peaceful and private installation today.


Slim Profile

Due to aluminium’s inherent robustness and rigidity, the SL38 profile does not require any bulk to ensure your home remains safe and secure in a stylish and modern way.

3 Styles

The SL38 profile is available in 3 stunning designs, ‘Classic’, ‘Ferro’ and ‘Cubic’. This means they can be adapted to modern or traditional homes, offering a bespoke new installation..

Natural Light

Thanks to the slim profile, these windows can be fitted with a expansive areas of glazing that will allow more natural light to enter the room, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

High Performance

The SL38 profile excels in thermal insulation, acoustic performance, air tightness, water tightness, wind resistance, fire resistance and burglar resistance.
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bespoke Aluminium Windows Prices Newport

Double Strips

Double butt strips are fitted into the window profile to ensure your home is fully protected against draughts and water ingress.

Opening Styles

This design can handle both open-in and open-out window styles, allowing you to add a totally bespoke profile to your home..

Premium Materials

The CS68 range is crafted using premium aluminium meaning it can uphold an outstanding level of structural integrity and performance.

High Performance

The CS68 profile will enhance the acoustic performance, thermal performance, wind resistance, air tightness and security of a home.
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market leading Aluminium Windows installers Newport


SL38 Profile

CS 68 Profile

Aluminium Windows Prices Newport

Use our online quoting engine to get a bespoke price on aluminium windows, Flush Sash Windows in Newport, or Woodan Windows in Newport for homes. It’s easy to use, works on all devices and comes with zero obligation to purchase.

If you have any further questions regarding our products, services or prices, please don’t hesitate to fill in our online contact form. Alternatively, give our team a call on 029 2023 3133.

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